Discipline Criteria for Computing Programs

Discipline Criteria for Computing Programs

Available discipline criteria:

  • Computer Science, Informatics, and Similarly-named Computing Programs
  • Information Systems and Similarly-named Computing Programs
  • Information Technology and Similarly-named Computing Programs
  • Software Engineering and Similarly-named Computing Programs
  • Computer Systems and Similarly-named Computing Programs

The criteria document is available for download here.


Discipline Criteria for Computer Science, Informatics, and Similarly-named Computing Programs

Lead Society:

  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM) – Association of Higher Education Programs in Informatics and Computer

These program criteria apply to computing programs using “computer science” or similar terms in their titles.

Learning Outcomes

In addition to learning outcomes 1.(3).a through 1.(3).e, graduates of the program will also have an ability to: 1.(3).f. apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions


The curriculum requirements specify topics, but do not prescribe specific courses.

These requirements are:

(a) Computer science: At least 48 SKS (or equivalent) that must include:

1. Substantial coverage of algorithms and complexity, computer science theory, concepts of programming languages, and software development.

2. Substantial coverage of at least one general-purpose programming language.

3. Exposure to computer architecture and organization, information management, networking and communication, operating systems, and parallel and distributed computing.

4. The study of computing-based systems at varying levels of abstraction.

5. A major project that requires integration and application of knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work.

(b) Mathematics: At least 12 SKS (or equivalent) that must include discrete mathematics and must have mathematical rigor at least equivalent to introductory calculus. The additional mathematics might include course work in areas such as calculus, linear algebra, numerical methods, probability, statistics, or number theory.


Discipline Criteria for Information Systems and Similarly-named Computing Programs

Lead Society:

  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM) – Association of Higher Education Programs in Informatics and Computer

These program criteria apply to computing programs using “information systems” or similar terms in their titles


Information Systems Environment – An information systems environment is an organized domain of activity within which information systems are used to support and enable the goals of the activity. Examples of information systems environments include (but are not limited to) business, health care, government, not-for-profit organizations, and scientific disciplines.

Learning Outcomes

In addition to learning outcomes 1.(3).a through 1.(3).e, graduates of the program will also have: 1.(3).f. Ability to support the delivery, use, and management of information systems within an information systems environment.


The curriculum requirements specify topics, but do not prescribe specific courses.
These requirements are:

(a) Information systems: at least 36 SKS (or equivalent) that include coverage of fundamentals and applied practice in application development; data and information management; information technology infrastructure; systems analysis, design and acquisition; project management; and the role of information systems in organizations.

(b) Information systems environment: at least 18 additional SKS (or equivalent) of a cohesive set of topics that provide an understanding of an information systems environment.

(c) Quantitative analysis or methods that must include statistics.


Discipline Criteria for Information Technology and Similarly-named Computing Programs

Lead Society:

  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM) – Association of Higher Education Programs in Informatics and Computer

These program criteria apply to computing programs using “information technology” or similar terms in their titles.

Learning Outcomes

In addition to learning outcomes 1.(3).a through 1.(3).e, graduates of the program will also have an ability to: 1.(3).f. Identify and analyze user needs and to take them into account in the selection, creation, integration, evaluation, and administration of computing based systems.


The curriculum requirements specify topics, but do not prescribe specific courses. The curriculum must include coverage of fundamentals and applied practice in the following:

(a) The core information technologies of human-computer interaction, information management, programming, web systems and technologies, and networking.

(b) System administration and system maintenance.

(c) System integration and system architecture


Discipline Criteria for Software Engineering and Similarly-named Computing Programs

Lead Society:

  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM) – Association of Higher Education Programs in Informatics and Computer

These program criteria apply to computing programs using “software engineering” or similar terms in their titles.

Learning Outcomes

In addition to learning outcomes 1.(3).a through 1.(3).e, graduates of the program will also have an ability to: 1.(3).f. an ability to develop a software system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints and resources.


The curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range of engineering and computer science topics implied by the title and objectives of the program.

The curriculum must include computing fundamentals, software design and construction, requirements analysis, security, verification, and validation; software engineering processes and tools appropriate for the development of complex software systems; and discrete mathematics, probability, and statistics, with applications appropriate to software engineering.


Discipline Criteria for Computer Systems and Similarly-named Computing Programs

Lead Society:

  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM) – Association of Higher Education Programs in Informatics and Computer

These program criteria apply to computing programs using “computer system” or similar terms in their titles.

Learning Outcomes

In addition to learning outcomes 1.(3).a through 1.(3).e, graduates of the program will also have an ability to: 1.(3).f. to design computers, computer-based systems, and networks that include both hardware and software as well as their integration


The curriculum requirements specify topics, but do not prescribe specific courses. These requirements are:

1. Exposure to computer architecture and organization, information management, networking and communication, operating systems, and parallel and distributed computing.

2. The study of computing-based systems at varying levels of abstraction.

3. Computer system administration and system maintenance.

4. Computer system integration and system architecture.

5. Mathematics, including discrete mathematics, probability and statistics.