Accreditation Evaluation and Decision

Evaluation for Accreditation

Evaluation for General Accreditation evaluates the compliance of the Program to RPEA and all evaluation items contained in the Accreditation Criteria for the accreditation cycle. Meanwhile, evaluation for Provisional Accreditation measures the potential for compliance of the Program to the Accreditation Criteria.

In the case of Evaluation for General Accreditation, the degree of Program compliance to specific Accreditation Criteria item is determined from evaluation results documented in the IABEE Online Evaluation System. The terminology used to declare the degree of compliance to each item is as follows:

  • Acceptable (abbreviated as ‘A’), which means that the evaluated item complies with the associated Accreditation Criteria item.
  • Concern (abbreviated as ‘C’), which means that the evaluated item complies with the associated Accreditation Criteria item, but with a possibility of changes in pertinent conditions in the future which may compromise the compliance.
  • Weakness (abbreviated as ‘W’), which means that the evaluated item indicates an insufficiently strong compliance to the associated Accreditation Criteria item. This shortcoming requires corrective actions to strengthen the compliance of the specific evaluation item to the appropriate Accreditation Criteria item.
  • Deficiency (abbreviated as ‘D’), which means that the Program is unable to comply with the particular Accreditation Criteria item.

In addition, evaluation may also provide an Observation, i.e. comments that are not directly related to accreditation criteria and actions but are offered to assist the program in conducting continual quality improvement; and the Statement of Strength, which is a very effective and prominent condition or practice that is above the norm and has a positive effect on the Program.

The final “A-C-W-D” judgement shall determine the accreditation status given to the Program in the case of General Accreditation

Meanwhile, in Evaluation for Provisional Accreditation, the degree of Program compliance to specific Accreditation Criteria item is determined from evaluation results documented in the IABEE Online Evaluation System. Based on the evidences studied by assigned Program Evaluator, a score either “Yes” or “No” would be used to mark each Criteria item as a conclusion whether or not, from the Evaluator’s viewpoint, the Program has a solid potential to meet the item within a foreseeable future (4 years or less).

Accreditation Decisions

Evaluation for General Accreditation for a Program ultimately finalizes in one of the following status:

  • Accredited. This status implies that the Program meets all criteria and rules as outlined in the Accreditation Criteria and the RPEA. This accreditation status is valid for a period of five years.
  • Accredited with Interim Evaluation without Visit. This status implies that the Program indicates unresolved shortcomings of the ‘Weakness’ category (“W” score). These shortcomings are such that visit is not deemed necessary to assess future corrective actions. This status is valid for a period of two years, after which the Program must undergo an Interim Evaluation based on desk study.
  • Accredited with Interim Evaluation with Visit. This status implies that the Program indicates unresolved shortcomings of the ‘Weakness’ (“W” score) category. These shortcomings are such that a visit is deemed necessary to assess future corrective actions. This status is valid for a period of two years, after which the Program must undergo an Interim Evaluation which includes both desk study and on-site visit.
  • Not Accredited. This status implies that the Program fails to substantially comply with IABEE Accreditation Criteria as indicated by unresolved shortcomings in the ‘Deficiency’ category (“D” score) and Rules and Procedures for Accreditation and Evaluation (RPEA).

Note: Prior to 2019 Accreditation Cycle, validity period of an Accredited status was six years and that of an Accredited with Interim Evaluation was three years.

Subsequent decision for accreditation status requiring Interim Evaluation, either with or without On-Site Visit, shall be taken based on the results of the Interim Evaluation as follows:

  • If the Interim Evaluation results indicate that Program shortcomings of the previous ‘Weakness’ category (“W” score) remain unresolved, then the Program receives the “Not Accredited” final status. The Program may apply for new Evaluation for General Accreditation after one evaluation cycle has passed since the last Interim Evaluation.
  • If the Interim Evaluation results indicate that the Program has managed to rectify Accreditation Criteria and RPEA compliance shortcomings in a satisfactory manner such that all the criteria and RPEA items are met, then the Accredited with Interim Evaluation status from the last Evaluation for General Accreditation (EGA) is changed to Accredited status, with a validity period of five years from the submission of Program Profile and Self-Evaluation Report documents in the last EGA process.

Evaluation for Provisional Accreditation for a Program ultimately finalizes in one of the following status:

  • Provisionally Accredited. This status implies that the Program has the potentials of meeting the Accreditation Criteria within a foreseeable future (i.e. 4 years). Given eligibility requirements are fulfilled, a program accredited in Provisional Accreditation is expected to apply evaluation for General Accreditation within a period of four years.
  • Not Accredited. This status implies that the Program has substantially low potentials to meet all Accreditation Criteria and RPEA items within 4 years.