Kriteria Bidang Ilmu

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Disicpline Criteria for Chemical, Biochemical, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading society :

  • Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Kimia Indonesia (APTEKINDO)
  • Badan Kejuruan Kimia Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (BKK PII)

Kriteria Program berikut berlaku bagi program-program studi teknik dengan nama yang menggunakan istilah “kimia”, “biokimia”, “bioproses”, “bioenergi”, serta istilah-istilah lain yang sepadan.


Kurikulum harus membelajarkan pemahaman yang kuat dalam sains-sains dasar yang mencakup kimia dan sains-sains terkait dengan kimia, fisika, dan/atau biologi, dengan sebagian muatan yang mengacu kepada konteks lokal yang sesuai dengan tujuan program studi. Kurikulum tersebut harus mencakup penerapan kerekayasaan sains-sains dasar ini dalam perancangan, analisis, dan pengendalian proses-proses kimiawi, fisik, dan/atau biologik, serta perancangan dan pengembangan produk, dan mencakup pula pembelajaran tentang aspek keekonomiandan bahaya yang terkait dengan proses-proses dan produk-produk tersebut.

Proses pembelajaran yang mewujudkan kurikulum tersebut harus dilaksanakan sedemikian sehingga menjamin bahwa para lulusan program studi memiliki pengetahuan, kecakapan, serta sikap yang memadai dalam perancangan, analisis, dan pengendalian proses serta perancangan dan pengembangan produk. Proses pembelajaran di program studi harus memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan berdasar penelitian serta metode-metode penelitian untuk mengenali, merumuskan, dan memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan kerekayasaan.

Discipline Criteria for Environmental Engineering and Similarly Names

Leading society:

  • BK Teknik Lingkungan PII
  • Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan dan Lingkungan


The curriculum must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics and basic sciences; introductory level knowledge of environmental issues associated with air, land, and water systems and associated environmental health impacts; conduct laboratory experiments and analyze and interpret the resulting data in more than one major environmental engineering focus area, (e.g., air, water, land, environmental health); performing design of environmental engineering systems; understanding in advanced principles and practice relevant to the program objectives.  The curriculum must prepare graduates to understand concepts of professional practice, project management, and the roles and responsibilities of public institutions and private organizations pertaining to environmental policy and regulations.


The program must demonstrate that a majority of those faculty teaching courses that are primarily design in content are qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of professional licensure, board certification in environmental engineering, or by education and equivalent design experience.

Discipline Criteria for Ocean and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading Society:

  • HAPPI  : Himpunan Ahli PengelolaPesisir Indonesia
  • HATHI : HimpunanAhli TeknikHidraulik Indonesia

Supporting Society:

  • IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association)
  • HAKI : HImpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia Indonesian Society of Civil and Structural Engineers
  • HATTI :HImpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia
  • ISGE : Indonesian Society for Geotechnical Engineering
  • HAPI : Himpunan Ahli Pelabuhan Indonesia
  • MTI : Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia

These program criteria apply to engineering programs that include ”coastal”, “ocean”,“marine”, “naval architecture”, or similar modifiers in their titles.


The curriculum must prepare graduates to have the knowledge and the skills to apply the principles of fluid and solid mechanics, dynamics, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, probability and applied statistics, oceanography, and water waves, to engineering problems and to work in groups to perform engineering design at the system level, integrating multiple technical areas and addressing design optimization.


Program faculty must have responsibility and sufficient authority to define, revised, implement, and achieve the program objectives

Discipline Criteria for Agricultural and/or Bio-system Engineering in Bachelor Programs

Leading society :

  • PERTETA : Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian Indonesia

These program specific criteria apply to bachelor programs that include “agricultural engineering”, “bio-system engineering,” “bio-production engineering”, and similar modifiers in their titles.


The curriculum shall provide fundamental knowledge of engineering principles, agriculture and/or biosystem related sciences and ability to apply them to analyze, interpret, identify alternative solutions, and implement experiments for enhancing the performance agricultural systems or solution of common problems in agriculture and/or biosystem.

The learning and educational process articulating in the curriculum must be conducted in such away to ensure that the graduates have sufficient knowledge, skill and attitude in the process to identify, analyze, formulate, design,use and control of machinery, structure and systems to solve ngineering problems as required in the production of plant and animal, processing and handling the agricultural and/or biological materials.

The curriculum content that be considered as “educational components of mathematics, natural sciences and technologies” appropriate to the field shall include systematic subject clusters related with mathematics and  natural sciences (focusing on multiple subjects such as, physics, chemistry, biology, or geography), and area of agricultural meteorology, irrigation, drainage and reclamation engineering (agricultural civil and environmental engineering), and/or area of agricultural machinery & automation, and/or area of agricultural work system and safety, and/or area of agricultural/biological production system, and/or area of agriculture/biological and environment information.

To conduct the learning and educational process the program shall be considered as “to provide a sufficient number of faculty members able to realize the curriculum with applicable educational methods and to improve the educational result of the program, and shall provide the faculty with institutional support.”

Disicpline Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading society:

  • Badan Kejuruan Teknik Sipil, Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia


The program shall prepare graduates to be proficient in applied mathematics and natural sciences relevant to civil engineering, in a minimumof three recognized major civil engineering areas (namely structural, project management, geotechnical, water resources, environmental, and transportation), in conducting civil engineering experiments and analyzing and interpreting the resulting data, and in designing and integrating all professional components of the curriculum.  The program shall also prepare graduates to explain basic concepts in management, business, public policy, and leadership, and explain the importance of ethics and professional licensure.

Faculty Members

Faculty members teaching courses on design should have either certification of professional engineer or qualification through experience in engineering design and practices.

Discipline  Criteria For Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication And Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading society:

  • FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia)
  • BKE PII (Badan Kejuruan Elektro, Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia


These program criteria apply to engineering programs that include “electrical”, “electronic(s),” “computer,” “communication(s),” “telecommunication(s),” or similar modifiers in their titles.

The curriculum specifies subject areas appropriate to engineering and must include:
(a) 30 credits minimum of a combination of university level mathematics and basic sciences (one with experimental experience) appropriate to the discipline
(b) 45 credits minimum of engineering topics, i.e. engineering sciences and engineering design, appropriate to the title of the program.

Students must be prepared for engineering practice through a curriculum culminating in a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.

The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range of engineering topics implied by the title of the program.

The curriculum must include probability and statistics, with applications appropriate to the program name; mathematics through differential and integral calculus; basic sciences and engineering topics (including computing science) necessary to analyze and design complex electrical/electronic devices or systems containing hardware and/or software components.

The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “electrical,” “electronic(s),” “communication(s),” or “telecommunication(s)” in the title must include advanced mathematics, such as differential equations, linear algebra, and complex variables.

The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “computer” in the title must include discrete mathematics.

The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “communication(s)” or “telecommunication(s)” in the title must include topics in communication systems.

The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “telecommunication(s)” must include design and operation of telecommunication networks for services such as but not limited to voice, data, image, and video transport.

Discipline Criteria for Engineering Physics and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading society :

  • BKTF PII (Badan Kejuruan Teknik Fisika, Persatuan InsinyurIndonesia)


The program must prepare graduates to engage in the development of the forefront of technology, such as and not limited to, instrumentation & control, built environment and energy systems, material design and processing, renewable energy


The curriculum must provide strong fundamentals on mathematics, physics, engineering sciences and engineering design. The curriculum should cover the capability to thrive in professional and industry sectors, such as engineering economics, project management and core competences of the forefront technology.


The program shall demonstrate that those faculty members teaching courses that are primarily design in content are qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of education and experience or professional licensure.

Discipline Criteria for Geodetics-Geomatics Engineering

Leading society :

  • Forum Ketua Jurusan dan Program Studi Teknik Geodesi – Geomatika se-Indonesia

These program criteria apply to engineering programs that include “surveying,” “geodetic,”   “geomatics”, and similar modifiers in their titles.


The curriculum must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences and statistics in Geodetics/Geomatics egineering field, complete task related to spatial data acquisition using modern measurement tools,   perform geospatial data processing using industry-standard software, and also perform standard analysis and design in at least one of the recognized technical specialities within surveying/geodetics/geomatics technology, include boundary and/or land surveying, geographic and/or land information systems, engineering project surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, mapping and geodesy, and other related areas.


The program must demonstrate that a majority of those faculty members are qualified to teachengineering  courses by education, equivalent design experience orboard certification of a surveyor professional/geomatics engineering.


Kurikulm harus mempersiapkan lulusan  yang  mampu mengaplikasikan ilmu matematika, mipa dan statistik dalam bidang Teknik  Geodesi/Geomatika,  melakukan akuisisi data spasial menggunakan metoda pengukuran modern, melakukan pengolahan data geospasial menggunakan perangkat lunak standar industri, dan mampu melakukan analisis dan desain standar pada salah satu bidang keahlian geodesi/geomatika, diantaranya survei ukur tanah dan batas, sistem informasi pertanahan dan atau geografi, survei rekayasa, fotogrametri, pengindraan jauh, pemetaan dan geodesi, serta bidang lainnya yang terkait.

Staf Dosen

Program studi harus dapat menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar staf dosen mempunyai  kualifikasi untuk mengajar matakuliah bidang keteknikan melalui pendidikan, pengalaman desain yang setara atau sertifikasi profesi surveyor/perekayasa geomatika.

Disicpline Criteria for Industrial and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading society :

  • Badan Kerja Sama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri Indonesia (BKSTI)
  • Badan Kejuruan Teknik Industri, Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (BKTI, PII)


The program shall prepare graduates to be proficient in design, improve, and implement integrated systems that include people, materials, equipment, energy and information.  To meet these needs, the curriculum must provide adequate knowledge about the application of mathematics, statistics and probabilistic theory as well as analysis and design engineering as well as knowledge with regard to social sciences. The education program should ensure the provision of an integrated system design experiences to students. The curriculum must include in depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using appropriate analytical, computational and experimental practices.

Faculty Members

Faculty members must understand the professional practice and maintain currency in their respective professional areas. Faculty members must be responsible and able to make the definition, evaluation, implementation and improvement on the achievement of learning outcomes in the framework of an continuous improvement ofthe study program.

Discipline Criteria for Materials, (Metallurgical) Engineering and Similarly Names

Leading society :

  • BK Material PII

These program criteria apply to engineering programs including “materials,” “metallurgical,” “ceramics,” “glass”, “polymer,” “biomaterials,” and similar modifiers in their titles.


The curriculum must prepare graduates to apply advanced science (such as chemistry, biology and physics), computational techniques and engineering principles to materials systems implied by the program modifier, e.g., ceramics, metals, polymers, biomaterials, composite materials; to integrate the understanding of the scientific and engineering principles underlying the four major elements of the field: structure, properties, processing, and performance related to material systems appropriate to the field; to apply and integrate knowledge from each of the above four elements of the field using experimental, computational and statistical methods to solve materials problems including selection and design consistent with the program educational objectives.


The faculty expertise for the professional area must encompass the four major elements of the field.

Discipline Criteria for Mechanical Engineering Programs

Leading society :

  • Badan Kerjasama Teknik Mesin Seluruh Indonesia (BKSTM)
  • Badan Kejuruan Mesin Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (BKM PII)

These program criteria will apply to all engineering programs that include “mechanical” or similar modifiers in their titles.


The curriculum must require students to apply basic sciences, mathematics (including multivariate calculus and differential equations) and principles of engineering sciences; to model, analyze, design, and apply physical systems, components or processes; and prepare students to work professionally in either thermal or mechanical systems.


Faculty members teaching courses on design should have either certification of professional engineer or qualification through experience in engineering design and practices.

Discipline Criteria for Nuclear Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

Leading society :

  • HIMNI (Himpunan Masyarakat Nuklir Indonesia)

These program criteria apply to engineering program that include “nuclear”, “radiological”, “radiation”, or similar modifiers in their titles.


The curriculum shall provide strong fundamentals on advanced mathematics, science, engineering science and engineering design related to the objectives of the program. The curriculum must include the application of atomic and nuclear physics, and the transport of radiation and its interaction with matter, for nuclear power generation, medical, industrial, and agricultural areas; to perform nuclear engineering design; to measure nuclear and radiation processes. The program shall ensure that the curriculum must comply with international and national nuclear regulations by emphasizing the requirements for nuclear safety, non-destructive inspection, security and safeguards.


The program must demonstrate that faculty members are qualified to teach nuclear engineering courses by education, equivalent design experience or board certification of a professional engineer depending on the program needs.